What's Your Artwork Style

Whats Your Artwork Style – The Little Styling Co.

There’s a lot to say about art and what art is to someone may not be art to another. Art is personal and subjective to each individual and the subject matters are endless, from photography of nature to landscapes, to abstract prints and canvases.

Art can definitely be the hero of a room and set the mood for the over all space. Here at The Little Styling Co we have a vast collection of artworks to cater for all homes and styles and personal preferences. We’ve compiled a list of art subject matters that might help you determine which one you may want to incorporate into your home.

  • Photography

  • Patterns and Prints

  •  3 Dimensional Textured

  • Abstract 

  • Black and White Photography

  • Landscapes

  • Animals  

Whats Your Artwork Style – The Little Styling Co.

Most homes consist of more than one artwork throughout the house. The different artworks used throughout a home should be complimentary to one another, this isn't to say they all have to be "blue", however they should be all of the same "theme" or complimenting subject matters. A landscape of a beach would work well with a photograph of a person swimming in water as they both embody a coastal theme, however we wouldn't pair an abstract artwork with an animalistic artwork as these are opposing styles.

When embarking on the exciting yet challenging task of styling your home, it is common to feel lost or overwhelmed about where to begin. Artworks are a great starting point when it comes to styling your space as they can set the whole tone and colour scheme of your home.  If you are wondering which colours to incorporate into your interior, a great tip is to derive the colour from your artwork.  Accentuate the blues in the artwork for example by introducing pops of this hue throughout your home by introducing a feature cushion, bed throw or statement vase. By relying on artworks to reflect the colour palette of the space, your home will feel unified and harmonious.