Making a room feel spacious!
As professional property stylists, this would have to be one of the most common requests we receive from our clients. On a daily basis we strive to make rooms look larger whilst still having a comfortable home. So, we’ve decided to share our top 7 tips to ensure your home is feeling bright, airy and spacious.
First of all, if you own the home and are able to paint the walls, we suggest opting for a light paint colour that has a similar tone to your flooring. For example, if you have grey tiles or carpet, then use a very light grey paint colour.
De-cluttering is soon going to become your best friend. It’s a job that we all put off from doing, but once it’s done you’ll be so happy with yourself. Removing unnecessary items from your living area such as excess trinkets, and paperwork is a great start.
Next on the list is to evaluate your lounge- is it bulky and chunky? If so, it might be a good idea to upgrade to a new lounge that doesn’t overcrowd the space, and ensure it has legs so it’s raised from the floor.
Using a large, oversized artwork is a great way of making a statement in a home, as it draws the eye upwards therefore making the room feel larger. Using a portrait or square shaped artwork is fantastic for this. A large mirror placed in the living area is also another fantastic way of making the room feel spacious, as it can reflect so many beautiful aspects of your home such as the outdoors or your beautiful artwork.
We also suggest using a large rug in your lounge room to make the room feel bigger than it really is. Using a rug in a living area is essential as it defines the living area, and can really bring the whole room together. If you've got a dramatic artwork, then look at toning down the room with a plain rug (minimal pattern or colour variation). Please see the illustration on the right hand side where you'll see the room instantly looks bigger with the largest rug.
Lighting is also another fantastic way of creating the illusion of a spacious room. Ensure the blinds or curtains are open and the ceiling lights are turned on. Floor lamps are another great way of adding light to a room, whilst also adding height, therefore drawing the eye upwards.
If you have a combined lounge and dining area, a fantastic way of making the small dining area feel spacious is by using a round table with a glass top. A round table makes it easier for people to maneuver around since there’s no hard corners to avoid, whilst the glass top allows a person to see through the table, giving the illusion of space.
If you would like some assistance in preparing your house for sale, we offer property styling services (partial staging and complete home staging) and pre-sale consultations.
For more information please contact us on 0431109737.
Wishing you all the best in selling your house!
The Little Styling Co.