Interior Trends To Avoid

Interior Trends To Avoid – The Little Styling Co.

The definition of the word 'trend' states that it is "a general direction in which something is developing or changing". Trends come and go through the years, some sticking around longer than others and some we are glad to see the back of! 

 Following trends can sometimes date your home and place your home in a design era, making it difficult for your home to be versatile and timeless. You need to find the perfect balance of updating your home and following key trends that suit your overall space yet still last the test of time. We’ve compiled a list of trends below that we're happy to see the back of. 


Those overly popular 3 L’s -

Live, Love, Laugh are decor pieces we'd prefer to not see any more. Don't get us wrong; we think this is a great life motto, but store the wooden signs and wall decals away for now. They are definitely out and we don’t expect them to make a comeback any time soon.  


We hate to say it but painted feature walls sadly are out and have been for a while. This also includes suede and sponge painted walls too. It’s better to commit to one wall colour throughout your whole home rather than have multiple paint colours. In the long term your home will truly stand the test of time. A custom wall mounted joinery piece, V groove wall panelling or a beautiful grassweave wallpaper are the modern alternatives to a painted feature wall.


Like we've mentioned above, trends come and go and we find repeated trends make a comeback through the decades. We’re not here to tell you not to follow trends because lets face it, we seek new trends that are current to help us revamp, inspire or renovate our existing spaces. It's all about selecting the correct trends, and executing them correctly. Too often we find that people tend to buy cheap trending homewares (a lot of them too!) because they're a "bargain". However what tends to happen is people over purchase these pieces and are then left with a bunch of decor items that may or may not match and will no longer be on trend by the time the next season arrives! Quality over quantity is a good rule of thumb to follow when purchasing decor pieces.


Pairs and groups of 3 are common numbers to display your decor pieces and ornaments as well as pendant lights in kitchens. We see time and time again pendant lights aligned in three’s above your island bench, and quite frankly, it's become very predictable. Don't get us wrong, it can look beautiful if large striking pendants are used (however it can become boring if you use something small and simple). If you want to stand out from the crowd ditch being safe and try thinking outside the box. If you have space and height to play with, why not try selecting one large feature pendant for your kitchen or hang two pendants at different heights at one end of your island bench if your interior style allows for this. It’s all about point of difference and creating personality to your space, without following a trend. Keep a look out for materials such as fibre weaves, glass and pleated fabrics. 


Retail furniture packages can be great if you want every piece throughout a room to match. Whilst it's convenient and easy to purchase, it’s not the way we would recommended to piece furniture together. It's important to keep the style of your home consistent through each room however every furniture piece doesn't have to match. Select a few common traits within your furniture and homewares pieces to ensure everything remains consistent within your space, whether that be distressed wooden surfaces or black metal details.