All About Light

All about light – The Little Styling Co.

Selling your home can be stressful and there's always a list of things to accomplish before you are open home ready. 

There is one crucial rule to be aware of when selling your property, and that is to ensure all rooms throughout your home have enough natural or artificial light. Potential buyers want to see all aspects of your home and they can’t do that if your rooms are dark and gloomy. Not everyone is lucky enough to have sunshine on the day of their open home and if you find that it's dark and rainy outside, think about how light can be utilised in your home to showcase it's best features. Your real estate agent would normally turn on your lights throughout your home before an open home inspection, however it's always best to double check that all lights are turned on and window furnishings are opened prior to your agent arriving. 

As property stylists, it’s important for us to highlight the best features of your property. If a room is dark and lacking light, we'll use our magic to lighten it up with some of our own in-house tricks. Read below to see if you can implement some of these tips for your home prior to professional photos being taken and open home inspections.

Floor lamps

Floor lamps are great for positioning in a dark corner that can often get lost. They can also be used along the side of your sofa or positioned behind an armchair to create a reading nook. Floor lamps can also be a great feature to add dimension and height amongst the rest of your furniture pieces. If you're space conscious, a floor lamp could be the right selection for you as they create an impact without taking up valuable floor space. 

Table lamps

Have you considered using a table lamp not only on your bedsides but on other surfaces such as study desks, hall tables and side tables? 

Not only are they practical but they act as another light source for your room. If a formal look is what you're after (or you're just needing extra light), you can create a sense of formality by placing a pair of table lamps at each end of a buffet/ hall table with a mirror or artwork above. Not only does it looks super stylish, it's also practical for introducing light to the space. 


Another great trick of the trade is to incorporate mirrors in your space. Mirrors will instantly reflect light and create the illusion of a bigger area. If there isn't any natural light opposite the mirror, you can add a different dimension by hanging a colourful artwork on the opposite wall instead. The art will be reflected in the mirror and will create interest within different angles of the room. Other ways you can produce a lighter, brighter atmosphere is by removing any dark coloured, bulky furniture pieces as these can make the room feel 'heavy', cluttered and will draw attention to your real estate photos for all the wrong reasons. It's best to adapt the ‘less is more approach’ when preparing your home for sale. 

For an obligation free quote to style your property for sale, or to enquire about our sought after 'Styled to Stay' services, please contact us at or on 46110027. 

Happy Styling!